The climate in Florida can be particularly harsh for roofing, often causing many problems for homeowners to deal with.

Noting this, roofing contractors recommend that homeowners anticipate the most common problems that can affect their roofs and take steps to prevent them.

Good maintenance and other preventive measures can delay a roofing replacement, helping homeowners get a full life from their current roofing materials.

  1. Leaks - Leaks are the most common roofing problem that Florida contractors receive calls about, as they have many different causes. Often occurring around protrusions, under poorly adhered flashing, or due to some other type of damage, roofers recommend frequent inspections and proper maintenance to detect and prevent leaks of all kinds.
  2. Damaged Flashing - The flashing in roof valleys and around protrusions is critical for sealing off the exposed roofing material edges to prevent leaks. When flashing or pipe boots are damaged or sealants adhering them deteriorate, water damage can occur. It is essential that roofing contractors periodically inspect the flashing both on top of and under the roof to ensure it is properly attached and functioning correctly.
  3. Storm Damage - Strong storms and Florida hurricanes can produce a wide variety of roofing damage, including hidden damage that is not so obvious. To prevent allowing hidden damage to progress to the point of needing a new roofing replacement, a post-storm inspection to look for sneaky problems is recommended.
  4. Heat-Related Shingle Damage - The high heat in Florida can cause extensive damage to asphalt shingles when there is not enough attic ventilation to keep the roof cool. Overheated shingles that suffer from curling, bowing, blistering, and warping destroy the watertight properties of this type of roof. Prevention requires the professional assessment of attic ventilation and adding more ventilation to prevent continued overheating and shingle damage.
  5. Poor Insulation - In addition to inadequate attic ventilation, roofing experts find that poor roof insulation can also contribute to roof overheating. This condition and the damage associated with it like shingle destruction and water damage due to condensation can be prevented with radiant barrier insulation under the decking that stops more heat energy from entering the attic.
  6. Mold and Algae Growth - Considering how humid and rainy it can get in Florida, it is no surprise that many roofs experience deterioration due to mold and algae growth. To prevent the rotting, drying, and destruction that can be caused by organic growth, roofing contractors recommend frequent professional roof cleanings using treatments that will prevent future growth.
  7. Clogged Gutters - Often overlooked by Florida homeowners, roof gutters that get clogged up with leaves, pine needles, twigs, and other debris can cause extensive damage to a roof. Fortunately, keeping gutters flowing with seasonal cleaning is one of the easiest remedies for this problem.
  8. Tile Damage - Cracked and broken ceramic or cement tiles are another common problem seen by Florida roofers, often due to impacts during severe storms. Homeowners with these roof installations should rely on professional tile roofers to periodically inspect their tile and replace any that are damaged to preserve the watertight quality of the whole roofing installation.
  9. Pest Infestations - Infestations of pests like wood-boring insects, rodents, squirrels, or even other small wildlife are more common than many homeowners think and those critters can be extremely damaging to roofs of all types. Repairs to correct the damage and block off all access points are essential for preventing future infestations once pests are successfully removed.
  10. Sagging and Structural Damage - A sure sign that roofing replacement is necessary is roof sagging and other structural damage to the support structure. Usually caused by ongoing, extensive water damage or impacts to the roof, these are serious problems that should be monitored with frequent inspections by professional roofers.

Prevent These Problems to Protect Florida Roofs!

Residential roofs in Florida are exposed to some of the most extreme weather, season after season.

Whether affected by high heat and poor ventilation, water damage, or some other issue, roofing contractors find that the best way to prevent serious damage is to anticipate it and stay observant of it.

With frequent inspections and proper maintenance, Florida homeowners can avoid needing a roofing replacement sooner than expected by taking care of their current roofs!

Need A Roof Inspection in Tallahassee Florida?

Contact PRO Roofing Experienced Roofers Today!

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